Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Procrastination Explanation

I moved house in late February, and we all know how much FUN that can be! I've been organizing my home little by little since then, but 3 months later my craft room is STILL a pile of boxes and junk. To be fair to myself, I did start to clear it out, but the nice area I cleared is now filled with a sofa that will eventually occupy the corner of the room...once I can SEE that corner hahaha.

You know what they say about idle hands!

To satisfy the need to work with my hands and prevent the apocalypse, I've been focusing on collecting plants and enjoying the blooms in my garden. So until I get my shiz together, please enjoy a few of my pretties...

This is a WEED, but I love it and I think Dr. Seuss would too...

Flamingo Feathers...the seeds came through my fence from the neighbor and politely planted themselves...FO' FREEEE!

I inherited spinach when I bought the house. Here it is, dead and delicious in my plate.

Gratuitous unrelated cat pic...because, Gingy is majestic...
