Sunday, October 2, 2016

High Elf Esteem

So, in my crafty research I keep coming across video tutorials on a craft foam technique called heat forming or "termoformado" in Spanish (craft foam is reeeeaaally popular in South America). Basically, the craft foam is heated (carefully) on an iron or some other hot surface, and then stretched/pressed into or over a mold. When the foam cools down, it retains the shape of whatever you used.

I saw a video showing how to make these adorable elves, and I was totally motivated... the heat forming part of this craft involves stretching hot foam over polystyrene balls.

My first attempt was a disaster, UN DISASTRE! So, I set the idea aside for a little while. Then I found this video, demonstrating a simple technique to help you shape the foam over the ball...And I was like...LET'S DO DIS!!!

So I DO-ed it, and it came out pretty decent!!He's comfy in an egg cup while the paint dries, then he'll get a hanger and be ready for the tree.

Termoformado level: Elf Esteem!!!


  1. It's a nice GNOME. Elves are NOT little pointy eared creatures that have nothing better to do than help a fat bearded human make toys for mewling human offspring. Of the faerie folk the most likely candidate for that would be gnomes!
    Amin n'rangwa edanea!

  2. Please ignore my weird friend, he can't help himself.


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